Cepos Ltd.
To secure avoiding fires it is obligatory for an employer to respect duties of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Law No. 314/2001 and in the sphere of work security and health protection an employer is obliged to respect duties provided by the National Council of the Slovak Republic Law No. 124/2006 of Law Code.
The extent of the duties is large and it puts high demands on employers to dispose of technical and legislative information that is being constantly changed. To ensure successful launching of working system of managing Fire Protection and Work Security and Health Protection in your organization it necessary not to put everything on the employer and Fire Protection and Work Security and Health Protection technicians but it is inevitable to ensure managing the Fire Protection and Work Security and Health Protection by the whole working team, from managing employers up to the other employees.
To make you able to cope with the duties we offer you complex solutions in the sphere of Fire Protection and Work Security and Health Protection.
A basic philosophy of our company is to provide our customers quality complex services in the sphere of Fire Protection and Work Security. We will help you to fulfil the duties which the employers are obliged to accomplish according to the valid legislative regulations. We will help you to elaborate necessary documentation, carry out general schoolings for all employees, warn you of shortcomings and provide consultancy in the sphere of Fire Protection and Work Security and Health Protection.
Providing these services in the external form will save your time, reduce your costs and ensure you constant foreknowledge and updating of your documents in the highest quality.